Business Language Marketing Networking Tools Training Uncategorized Useful Links Writing

Do you know about Wikipedia’s Simple English?

I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly Googling anything and everything and I frequently end up on Wikipedia’s website. One day I was looking at all of the possible languages I could read an entry in and noticed “Simple English” was one of the options. I was reading about something complex and “Simple English” simplified the topic and made it easier to understand (you could say it’s a “red carpet” to the “English” entry).

Process Tools Training Uncategorized Visual Aids Writing

Reading Images

There is an unfortunate trend towards using more images and icons and using fewer written instructions (I like to say “words”). Personally, I don’t think it’s obvious what every icon actually is and what it means, especially when I’m in a hurry to do something.

Computer Languages VBScript

Using Visual Basic to Automate PowerPoint Printing

For the past three years, I have been trying to find a way to automate the tedious task of printing two copies of 30 plus PowerPoint Presentations to PDF, first as Notes Pages and then as 3 Slides Per Page Handouts.  Every six months I would spend a few hours testing various batch printing applications to see if they would complete this task for me.  Unfortunately, every time I would find they would only print the standard One Slide Per Page view without the Notes field included.